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This That & Chit Chat

October 5, 2020
by: Emilee Shostrom

Tips for Saving Money on Your Utility Bill

Fall brings beautiful colors, apple orchards, pumpkin patches, delicious food, and spending time with the ones you love. But it also brings up the age-old question: when should I switch from A/C to heat? We asked a local expert, Full Service Heating & Air Conditioning, to find out more and discover ways to save money on utilities in the winter.

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June 4, 2020

3 Credit Tips During Uncertain Times

The current nationwide environment is full of unknowns and undoubtedly has had an impact on many people’s lives and finances. Now more than ever, it is important for people to take some extra time to monitor and protect their credit.

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June 13, 2019
by: Katie Rammer

No Checks. No Stamps. No Problems.

As I grow older (officially hit the big 3-0 this year), I have noticed that time seems to fly faster than ever. There never seems to be enough time in the day to accomplish everything on that to-do list of mine. As a working mom of a 2-year old in the midst of potty training, there is little time between my job, laundry and picking up the house (for the 6th time) to even catch my breath somedays. So when it comes time to pay bills, you can imagine how much I dread wasting valuable time filtering through statements, finding my check book (if I can even locate it in my purse) and physically mailing out payments… these are just a few of the reasons I started using bill pay through Kohler Credit Union’s beMOBILE services. Below are three benefits of paying bills electronically:

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April 29, 2019
by: Amy Lee

Class of 2019: My High School Experience

Finally, the year everyone waits for! The year we all talked about as we enter into our first year of high school. “I can’t wait until I’m a senior,” was a line I constantly said when I was growing up. Now that I am officially a senior…I’ll say, and with all honesty… I wish I was still a freshman. Days were much simpler then. College and scholarships applications weren’t knocking on my door yet and Jostens order forms weren’t due. Fears of not getting into my choice college were nonexistent and thoughts of attending my last high school events had not yet crossed my mind.

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April 25, 2019
by: Amy Lee

How My Youth Apprenticeship Helped Prepare Me For College

High school is a period for growth and a chance to discover new things. If you have an idea of what you want to pursue in the future, applying for a youth apprenticeship is a beneficial opportunity. It can help you explore a profession more in-depth by working in a position specific to your field of interest. You get to learn from those who are already in that profession while gaining valuable skills and experience.

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December 6, 2018
by: Katie Rammer

It’s the Most Wonderful (& Expensive) Time of the Year

The holidays are by far my favorite time of the year. Getting together and making memories with family…decking the halls and enjoying a hot cup of coffee as you watch the snow fall outside…and having an excuse to hit the stores for some shopping therapy and to take advantage of the endless holiday sales. But along with the joy that surrounds the season of giving, the holidays can also take a toll on your finances, causing unwanted stress and anxiety. Below are 5 tips to help you prepare for holiday spending:

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August 2, 2018
by: Guest Blogger

Let’s Talk “Piggy Banks”!

Piggy banks come in all shapes and sizes and are used by all ages for all sorts of reasons. The most important reason, we believe, is teaching your children how to save money.

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September 14, 2016

Home Equity Loan vs. Line of Credit

Every year, millions of people set goals and resolutions to become more fit. Many of these aspirations have to do with losing weight, eating better, or just becoming a healthier person in general. This year, Kohler Credit Union is paving the way for people like you to become fit… when it comes to your finances and financial decisions. We are proud to introduce our Financial Fitness series of blog posts… aimed to help others manage their finances, borrow smarter, grow their money and protect their future. Ever wonder what the difference is between a home equity loan and a home equity line of credit? Read all about it in our latest blog post below.

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August 10, 2016
by: Katie Rammer

Smooth Saving to Beat the Summer Heat

We have had some beautiful weather over the last few weeks… but I have to say, when the temps exceed 85 and the humidity kicks in, there is nothing I enjoy more than a refreshing, cold fruit smoothie to help keep me stay cool. Now I have a handful of favorite places around town that can make one scrumptious smoothie and although delicious every time, the price of the delightful drink can be quite expensive. With prices ranging between $5-7 per drink and my craving kicking in every other day, I decided it was time to cut back. So I started to experiment at home with various fresh fruits to try and recreate the beloved summer treat. I encourage you to try my two favorite DYI smoothie creations below. They will help you beat the heat but also keep your spending in check… All you need to do is toss all of the ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth, pour and serve!

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May 25, 2016
by: Katie Rammer

10 Simple Steps when Buying a Home

It is hard to believe Chris and I are coming up on our first anniversary of being homeowners! I remember how excited we were when we closed on our house but also how nervous and stressed out we were leading up to those final days. When I think about it now… and how clueless we really were with the mortgage process…it would have been nice to have a simple guide for first-time homebuyers that helped break down the steps you take when buying a home. Fortunately, we had an awesome realtor and mortgage loan originator that helped guide us on the journey towards home ownership.

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