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This That & Chit Chat

September 23, 2021

Career choice roller coaster

This blog post is geared to younger kids in 1st – 5th grade. It’s a great starting for when children begin talking about what they want to be when they grow up! After reviewing the comic, some great questions to ask kids include:

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September 22, 2021
by: SavvyMoney

Budgeting from Halloween to Christmas

Retail sales during the November - December 2020 holiday season grew at an unexpected high rate of 8.3%.  Sales are expected to grow again in 2021.

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September 15, 2021

Why We Get Scammed

If you use a cellphone or have an email account, you’ve almost certainly been exposed to an attempt at mass marketing fraud. Common examples include being interrupted by an annoying robocall just as you start eating lunch, or waking up to a suspicious message in your email inbox that somehow slipped through the spam filter. Sometimes, the attempted fraud is kind of funny—the wording is so strange or the premise is so ridiculous (“An exiled prince needs my help transferring a million dollars? Really?”) that we’re left wondering how anyone could possibly fall for such an obvious money grab.

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September 3, 2021

To Lease or To Finance: That is the Question!

When it comes to buying a new car, you have three options: purchasing it with cash, purchasing it through a loan (also known as financing) or leasing it. For most shoppers, the decision comes down to buying or leasing.

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August 27, 2021

Budgeting With 50/30/20

Budgeting is a skill that helps you make smart decisions with your money. It ensures that you’re spending less than you earn, it prepares you for life’s curveballs, and it funds your goals and your dreams. Unfortunately, budgeting is often seen as restrictive and overwhelming. Financial priorities are deeply personal, so it can be challenging to find the right combination of strategies and tools that work for you.

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August 25, 2021

Speed to Savings

Kohler Credit Union members are able monitor their credit by using Credit Insights, our free credit monitoring tool available in digital banking. Want to learn more about credit scores? Click here to read more about your credit score and why it’s important or check out our credit score videos on It’s a Money Thing.

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August 24, 2021

Finding the Loan That's Right for You

Loans help finance some of our biggest goals in life. They can provide access to possibilities that we can’t afford upfront—possibilities like going to school, buying a home or starting a business (to name just a few).

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August 9, 2021
by: Banzai

Emergency Funds

One of the most effective tools for preventing a large-scale financial disaster is an emergency fund, an amount of money that is set aside to cover unexpected expenses, or to keep you afloat if no regular income is coming in.

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August 6, 2021

5 Good Money Habits to Boost Your Retirement Savings

Think back to your most recent savings goal. How long did you have to save in order to reach it? Was it a concert ticket or some new shoes that took a few weeks of budgeting? Was it a big-ticket item like a new computer or a summer vacation that took a year or two of planning in advance? Perhaps you’re currently saving for an even more ambitious goal: a car, a wedding, a down payment on a home? Although savings goals vary from person to person and range in size and scope, it’s likely that your longest-term savings goal will be your retirement.

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July 28, 2021

Four ways to boost your credit score starting now

Kohler Credit Union members are able monitor their credit by using Credit Insights, our free credit monitoring tool available in digital banking. Want to learn more about credit scores? Click here to read more about your credit score and why it’s important or check out our credit score videos on It’s a Money Thing.

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